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Higher Education

Building The Future of Academic Spaces


Momentum is your strategic partner delivering successful higher education building projects from funding to finish.

Whether replacing a central plant, justifying an investment in new student housing, or building a state-of-the-art health sciences center, Momentum will help you align your vision and strategic goals with the needs of your board, administration, faculty, and students.

Your Vision Brought to Life

Getting complex projects activated is what Momentum’s known for. We align your stakeholders to a common vision, gaining approvals, building excitement, and transforming ideas into action.

Masters in Collaboration

Our building projects succeed because of world-class collaboration. We connect diverse experts to develop solid financing plans, more compelling designs, and the most efficient construction approaches.

Private Institution Expertise

We understand the unique and changing needs of educators and students at private institutions. From virtual learning labs to modern student housing, our team of experts helps you craft the best solution for your school. 

It Takes a Compelling Story to Get Your Project Off the Ground

Why do many higher-education building projects stall? Because teams don’t use a compelling story to gain buy-in from their constituents. Just like you, we’re researchers ourselves. We’ve learned that your donors, board, and faculty value a business case proving a building project will help the institution thrive. We’ve also learned that support comes more quickly when proposals are visual, helping stakeholders envision the impact of their investment.

The Future of Education is Dynamic

Education is evolving. Lectures are more interactive, labs are more complex, and students engage in more professional development activities. Your buildings are one of the most powerful tools you have to deliver a better, more relevant learning and teaching experience. You need a partner that will show you how your buildings must evolve to keep your institution moving forward.

Branch Insights, Resources, Workplace Insights
Guide: How to Write a Credit Union Facilities RFP