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STEM Facilities & Multimedia Classrooms

Delivering Professional Learning Environments for Digital Careers

Hands-on experiences give students an edge in starting their careers. Whether it's a communications student working in a multimedia studio or a computer science student building robots in a lab, the experience they gain in these professional environments prepare them to enter the workforce with confidence.

How We Do It

Purpose-Driven Design

Generic classrooms and labs can only go so far in supporting the education that students need to succeed in today's careers. At Momentum, we work with stakeholders to understand the unique and dynamic needs that your institution has for delivering the educational experiences that spark creativity, innovation, and excellence in your students.

Not only does this approach support better educational outcomes, it can tell a compelling story for the facility that gains buy-in from the board and funding from donors that help to bring the vision to life.


Branch Insights, Resources, Workplace Insights
Guide: How to Write a Credit Union Facilities RFP