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Educate your attendees on the latest research and trends in credit union retail branching and workplace strategy.

Looking for an engaging and informative speaker to educate your audience at a conference, association meeting, webinar, or board meeting?

Book a session today with our very own Mark Alguard!

Mark is President of Momentum, a design-build partner that helps credit unions thrive through people-centric branching and workplace strategies. He’s an experienced presenter having delivered sessions on branching strategy, hybrid work, and more for credit unions, organizations, and associations across the country. He is also working closely with Filene to research the future of credit union workplaces and help the industry demystify this rapidly evolving subject.

Reach out today via the form to book a session on one of our speaking topics, or to customize a session for your audience.

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Speaking Topics

The New Hybrid Credit Union Workplace: Strategies to Implement a Hybrid Credit Union Model

All signs point to the future or work being hybrid, as the benefits of face-to-face interactions are balanced with the flexibility and freedom that employees have come to expect from remote work. This session takes a deep look into the how and why of implementing a hybrid model at your credit union. This is based on original research that Mark has published in partnership with The Filene Research Institute.

Driving Credit Union Branch Traffic in a Digital World

As the financial industry moves further towards digital services and automation, the industry faces commoditization. But credit unions have a unique advantage over the big bank competition – people still want a human touch in banking relationships. Learn how you can differentiate your credit union by building a brand that truly embodies the credit union movement and driving relationship-building traffic to your branches.

Other Topics Include:

  • Living your Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) Goals Through Your Buildings
  • Green Buildings are Making a Comeback with Credit Unions
  • The Credit Union Difference: Branches that Connect on Experience and Values
  • Developing a Modern Branch Network Strategy

We can also build a custom session around specific topics relevant to your organization.

Recent Presentations

  • The Credit Union Difference: Branches That Connect on Experiences and Values
    @ CU Strategy Forum
  • Driving Branch Traffic in a Digital World
    @ Educators Credit Union Council’s Annual Conference
  • The New Hybrid Credit Union Workplace
    @ GoWest MAXX Conference
  • The Hybrid Credit Union Workplace: Enhancing Employee Experience, Supporting DEI, and Winning the War for Talent
    @ CU Strategy Forum
  • Driving Retail Branch Traffic in a Post-Covid World
    @ CBC Roundtable
  • Merging the Digital and Physical Branch Experience
    @ Momentum Webinar featuring Ignite Sales
  • Building the Business Case to Support Your Branch
    @ Momentum Webinar featuring EmpowerFi
  • Credit Union Workplaces and the Transition to Remote Working
    @ Momentum Webinar featuring Microsoft
  • The Impact of Remote Work on Credit Unions Now and Into the Future
    @ Momentum Webinar featuring Leesman & Sound Credit Union
  • Understanding the Future of Work for Credit Unions ReachTALK
    @ CCUL Reach Conference
  • The Credit Union Workplace of the Future
    @ The Filene Research Institute