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Workplace Strategy and Hybrid Work

Building for the Workforce of the Future

For the past two decades Momentum has been on the forefront of researching the best practices in workplace strategy and tailoring individual buildings to the unique needs of every organization.

In today's hybrid work era, we are a leading expert on the topic.

How We Do It

Work With Recognized Experts

We have been investing heavily into researching the future of work since long before the pandemic. Over the past several years we have been focusing primarily on how credit unions and community banks can effectively deliver hybrid strategies and workplaces that work best for both organization and employees.

This research includes The New Hybrid Credit Union Workplace: Culture, Performance, and a People-Centered Strategy, written by our own Mark Alguard in partnership with the Filene Research Institute. We have sponsored academic research into DEI in physical environments, also in partnership with Filene, titled Bridging the Spatial Divide: A Guide to Achieving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Physical Work Environments. And we have published our own original research, A Study of Credit Union Workplaces and the Future of Work, based on surveys of over 1,200 credit union employees on dozens of aspects of the workplace experience in partnership with Filene.

In addition to our research, Mark Alguard has also been invited to speak at dozens of industry events on the topic of hybrid work and the workplace of the future.

Adapting to the Changing Nature of Credit Union Work

Even before the pandemic, the way credit unions work was rapidly shifting. As basic transactions were automated, credit unions shifted their workforce from individual task-based work to more dynamic and collaborative work on projects such as marketing campaigns and new product launches. At the height of the shift, the biggest remote work experiment in history was conducted as employees across the country were abruptly sent home.

For the past decade Momentum has been heavily invested in the field of credit union workplace research. We have kept ahead of changing trends and performed original research into how employees and teams could be best supported as their roles change.

Now we are the leading expert on hybrid work while sponsoring and contributing to original research with the Filene Research Institute and presenting at conferences across the country.

We share our research and knowledge freely with the credit union industry and even our competitors. We are your best resource for developing a workplace strategy that supports your employees now and into the future. Let us clear away the uncertainty and help you become a leader and the best place to work in your market.

Download our latest hybrid work report from The Filene Research Institute at

Effectively Mixing “Me” and “We” Spaces

Are you weighing the pros and cons of open offices and private workspaces? This is a topic that has only become more complicated as remote and in-office are thrown into the equation.

Our unique workplace strategy and design process bypasses this debate entirely by focusing on a concept called activity-based working.

We survey your employees and leadership team to gain a comprehensive understanding of the tasks that your employees engage in throughout the day and how this will change in the future. We then use this knowledge to build a customized space plan that supports the activities your employees engage in throughout the day. For example, employees that engage mostly in individual tasks need private spaces for focusing without distractions while having the ability to move through the office and meet with others in informal meeting spaces as necessary. Conversely, those in highly collaborative roles that benefit from open office environments need places where they can put their heads down and focus or decompress. The optimal balance and layout of these spaces is unique to your organization.

An office can be so much more than just a cookie-cutter collection of workspaces. Let us help you build a workplace that truly supports your employees in the work that they do.

Planning for Future Growth

Where will you be in five years? Ten? Fifteen?

Our space needs and employee growth projections compare your growth and workplace strategies to peer organizations with both national and local trends to project how your credit union will grow over time. We will use this knowledge to help you plan for the future.

This could translate to consolidating your headquarters into one building, spreading into satellite locations, or building a campus. We can develop a growth plan that starts with excess space leased to tenants that your employees occupy in stages as your workforce grows.

Having these future growth projections helps you to make informed decisions about the future and optimize your facilities strategy around these needs.

Branch Insights, Resources, Workplace Insights
Guide: How to Write a Credit Union Facilities RFP