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Services > Employee Growth & Space Needs Projections

Employee Growth & Space Needs Projections

Build a Workplace that Stands the Test of Time

How We Do It

Planning for the Future

A common issue that organizations run into that prompts a new workplace project is either running out of room or wanting to consolidate multiple workplaces into one building or campus. They want this new workplace to not only effectively support their employees today, but also to provide room to grow while providing a consistent employee experience over time.

We have a proven employee growth and space needs projection process that has been helping organizations develop long-term facilities plans for over two decades.


Nothing about the future is certain but having a solid plan in place to future-proof your workplace sets you on the right track and can make your organization more resilient in the face of change.

We use employee growth and space needs projections to optimize space utilization when designing your workplace, anticipating a changing work landscape and creating a staging plan to fill out the space as your team grows. For many clients this involves building tenant space that is converted to additional workspace for your growing team in a planned and strategic manner.

Branch, Resources, Workplace
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