Employee Driven Design
Happy and healthy workers are more productive, and providing a great workplace is a powerful recruiting tool. There is also the issue that many of the employees commute to work, and working in a small (but quickly growing!) town can be isolating.
This is why Pioneer and Momentum took an employee-driven approach to designing the campus. The process began with a survey from Leesman, our workplace data partner, where all existing employees shared what was working with their current workplace and what was important to them. This is an important step in workplace design, as 80% of wellness efforts fail due to not aligning with what's important to employees. By understanding what’s important, it’s possible to make successful investments by targeting them to employees’ specific needs.
One major insight that Pioneer and Momentum uncovered is that many employees work out in the morning, but that’s difficult to do in the morning before a drive in to work and there are no gyms near the campus. Momentum’s designers added a gym to the campus design to address this need, and now employees regularly bring gym clothes and get a workout in before work or during breaks!