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Credit Union Trends Relative to Brand - Jenny Featured on The Speakeasy Podcast by EmpowerFi

Our Design Director Jenny Bengeult joins Kelly Hellickson and Hilary Reed at EmpowerFi on their podcast The Speakeasy for a series of three episodes on credit union trends relative to employees, brand, and workplaces.

In the second episode, Trends Relative to Brand, Jenny and the EmpowerFi team discuss pre-, during, and post-pandemic trends around credit union branding.

Sometimes credit unions can try to be everything to everyone, and sometimes brand can get diluted. Yet when you double down on your brand you come off as more authentic and connect with members in a way that develops lifelong relationships. Jenny dives into how credit unions can use brand to create these personal connections.

Listen now on EmpowerFI's website or via the embedded Spotify player.

EmpowerFi is a valuable partner that brings a unique understanding of credit union trends and member behavior to the table through their AI-driven data analytics and marketing services. To learn more, check out out previous webinar with their team Building the Business and Marketing Case to Support Your Branch.

Stay tuned for the following episodes on credit union trends relative to brand and workplaces, and make sure you're subscribed to our newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest credit union branching and workplace trends!


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