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Branch Ideabook - Current Trends in Retail Banking

In our work helping some of the best credit unions and community banks in the nation develop their branch and workplace strategies, we've had the opportunity to both observe the evolution of the retail branching industry as well and contribute to its advancement. Discussions about technological innovations and disruptions often revolve around how these innovations will drive change, but what often gets lost in these conversations is the relationship that members and customers are looking for with their financial institutions and how technology can seamlessly blend into the background to create the best experience.

We’ve put together this Branch Ideabook to help you understand current trends in retail branch design. It’s broken out into five impact areas:

  • Better Experiences
  • Supporting Employees
  • Market Connections
  • Brand Inspiration
  • Technology That Works

We hope this book will help give you some ideas for what you want to achieve with your next branch transformation. For the download link, just fill out the form below.

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